What are mock exams?

Mock exams are not moderated, can be taken from anywhere, and are free of charge. There are two exams, one for cross-cutting and one for the audit stream (CA, PA or FA). The exam will mimic the real exam- it is on the same platform and will allow you to get used to the Pearson Vue exam environment. It will also cover the same content and question type as the live exam.   We suggest you attempt the mock exam in exam conditions like time-limited and without looking at reference materials to get the best idea of the final exam. Mock exams can only be taken once.

When you sit the mock exam, you will receive your mark and a breakdown of correct or incorrect questions. We will provide a copy of the mock exam with the complete questions and the explanation for the answer to participants after the mock exam. After the mock exam, we will provide some tutorial content on the areas where participants struggled the most. If you have any questions after the mock.